
Our Council of Members provides strategic oversight and ensures that we operate for the benefit of the community. The Council is made up of subscriber representatives, the PrescQIPP board of directors, and specialist members.

Council of Members Terms of Reference

  • Carol Roberts, Chief Executive
  • Sajida Khatri, Director of Medicines Optimisation
  • Katie Smith, Director of Clinical Quality
  • Bruce Warner, Non-Executive Director
  • Carole Crawford, Non-Executive Director
  • Julie Wood, Non-Executive Director

  • Andrew McGinty
  • Joanne Fitzpatrick
  • Laura Angus
  • Lawrence Brad
  • Michael Dennis
  • Paula Wilkinson
  • Richard Croker
  • Sanjay Desai
  • Stephen Pike
  • Steve Hulme
  • Sue Bamford
  • Susanne Lynch
  • Vicky Allum

  • Elizabeth Beech
  • Jane Freeguard
  • Nick Beavon
  • Shelly Patel