The PrescQIPP 2024 Annual Awards

Submission deadline: Friday 21st June 2024 - ENTRIES FOR THIS YEAR HAVE NOW CLOSED

The PrescQIPP Annual Awards 2024

Entries for the PrescQIPP annual awards 2024 are now open!

Now is the time to share all the good work you have done over the past year and be in for a chance to win a prestigious PrescQIPP award.

In line with NHS priorities, we have introduced two new award categories: ‘Addressing health inequalities’ and ‘Enhanced productivity, sustainability and value for money’. Our “Integrated and joint working” category, has been retired as we recognise that we are now all working jointly across sectors and so the category was thought to be too broad.

If you do have a joint working project you have completed with wider stakeholders, then we would still encourage you to submit it in another category which would be the best fit for the project. We have included domiciliary care and carers into our care home medicines optimisation category.

The five categories for 2024 are:

  • Addressing health inequalities
  • Care homes/domiciliary care/carer medicines optimisation
  • Data tools and technology to support medicines optimisation
  • Enhanced productivity, sustainability and value for money
  • Patient safety and addressing overprescribing

You need to let us know which category you are submitting your project into and can only submit your project into one category. However, we do triage all entries and if after reviewing your entry we feel it might fit better into a different category then we will let you know.

Why you should enter the awards

  • Opportunity to review and define the impact of your work
  • Recognition for you and your team among hundreds of peers across the UK
  • Chance to adorn your desk and win admiration of colleagues with a prestigious PrescQIPP award
  • Presenting with impact coaching session for winners with Jamie Hayes our annual event chairman
  • And most importantly, a great opportunity to highlight and share good practice for the benefit of patients

You’re all winners to us but you have to be in it to win it, so now is the time to check out the categories, get together with your team and share all the great work you're doing.

How do I enter?

You don't need to be a PrescQIPP subscriber to enter the awards, as they're open to all NHS teams across all sectors.

Just complete the Word submission form and the on-line entry form below before Friday 21st June 2024.

PrescQIPP annual awards 2024 - Submission Form

Instructions for submission - Please complete this word submission form, save it and then attach it to the on-line entry form found below. You can add further supporting documents, such as business cases, patient information, using the on-line entry form.

Please provide as much information as you can on your project as the judges will only hear about your great work through your submission form. We’ve added the judging criteria at the end of the form, so you know what the judges are looking for. We suggest you look at these and provide us with all the information you think meets the criteria. If you have more than one project to submit, please complete a new submission form for each submission.

Please refer to the FAQ below for more information.

We look forward to receiving your entries.

Good luck!

PrescQIPP Annual Awards 2024 categories and criteria

We understand that your project might fit into more than one category. Please choose the category that you think is the best fit with your project. We will triage entries and suggest a change in category if we think it is better suited to another category

Addressing health inequalities: We want to hear about your medicines optimisation projects which have tackled health inequalities. This could include such things as how you targeted key communities to improve their uptake of preventative medicines or where you focused on disadvantaged communities in your medicines optimisation project or how you have improved your guidelines or patient pathway to ensure health inequalities were addressed. This may also cover how systems have overcome barriers to implement national guidance or supported an appropriate increase or change in prescribing in hard to reach communities, for example use of DOACs in preference to warfarin, use of SGLT2is in people with type 2 diabetes or heart failure.

Care home/ domiciliary care/carer medicines optimisation: This award category covers all things care home, domiciliary care or carer related from addressing the medicine optimisation needs of individual patients to improving training of care home, social care staff or carers on medicine optimisation issues. It could also include projects specifically aimed at improving medicines optimisation in school settings.

Data tools and technology to support medicines optimisation: This award is about sharing how data tools or technology have been used to enhance medicines optimisation in the broadest sense. This could include, but is not limited to, the use of digital apps or web-solutions, widgets or technological gadgets, solutions to support your digital provision, health informatics or visualisation systems, in-house technical solutions or implementing guidance on NICE approved medical technologies. Also, included is trialling new technology solutions, or using existing ones to get enhanced outcomes for patients.

Enhanced productivity, sustainability and value for money: In line with the NHSE national medicines optimisation opportunities work stream we have created this new category so you can showcase the great work you have done on the national medicines optimisation opportunities. However, this category is not limited to England, we want entries from all the devolved countries which demonstrate enhanced productivity, tackle sustainability or value for money.

Patient safety and addressing overprescribing: We are keen to see how you have improved outcomes for patients by addressing patient safety or overprescribing. Projects could focus on medication reviews or running clinics in practices to address patient safety and overprescribing, tackling antimicrobial resistance, adhering to patient safety alerts, reducing medication errors, safe transfers of care, Medication Safety Officer role, actions taken around the medication safety dashboard indicators, new or amended commissioning pathways, efficiency savings or public campaigns. Projects addressing implementing the national overprescribing guidance can also be entered into this category.

Plus overall GOLD and SILVER award winners: The recipients of the Gold and Silver awards are democratically chosen by attendees on the day of the PrescQIPP annual event on 1st October 2024 from all the award winners.


What can I include in the submission?

You can provide as much information as you would like. Your submission will be the key document that the judging panel will be using to judge the award categories. However, since this is about sharing work, and we'll be profiling the submissions in the PrescQIPP website Innovation and best practice Hub, we'd recommend that you include any relevant documents, such as pathway documents, guidelines developed, business cases, Return on Investment workings, job descriptions, leaflets, posters, other implementation tools etc.

How can I improve my judging score to increase my chances of being shortlisted or even winning?

To enhance your winning chances, take a look at the judging criteria when you complete your entry. Provide us with as much information as possible to help improve your score.

When will I find out if we’ve been shortlisted?

We will let you know if you have or have not been shortlisted by 6th August 2024.

When will I find out if we’re an award winner?

We will let award winning projects know by 9th September 2024, so that you can prepare your presentation for the PrescQIPP annual event 2024. We will ask you to keep this confidential on a need to know basis only until after the award announcements at the PrescQIPP annual event on Tuesday 1st October 2024.

What will you do with the submissions?

Since the PrescQIPP annual awards are largely a means for us to facilitate and encourage sharing best practice across the community, we will upload your project to the PrescQIPP website Innovation and best practice hub so other teams can get great ideas.

I'm not a subscriber - can I submit?

Yes. We encourage entries from across the NHS whether or not you are a PrescQIPP subscriber. Our aim is to facilitate sharing of best practice.

I'm not from the NHS can I submit?

If you're a private sector company, then no, sorry. However, we're happy to receive submissions from ICBs, PCNs, GP practices, acute trusts, community services, CSUs and community pharmacy - we know there are many different shades of grey, but effectively if you provide or are commissioned to provide NHS patient care, and your project is not a service you're looking to sell or promote (again excluding CSUs), then you're good to submit.

What will the expectations be if I win?

In conversations with our previous category winners, we know that they are delighted at receiving a PrescQIPP award. Our awards have been described as “prestigious” by other organisations.

We will invite you to give an 8-minute presentation on the highlights of your project at the PrescQIPP annual event on Tuesday 1st October 2024 in Nottingham. To help you prepare for this our annual event chair, Jamie Hayes, will be providing coaching on “Presenting with impact” on Monday 16th September 2024 9.30am - 1pm. Some of our previous year’s winners told us that this coaching had completely changed their thinking on presentations. The coaching gave confidence to one of our first time ever presenters to present at the annual event.

You’ll be offered the opportunity of showcasing your project via a longer PrescQIPP webinar in late 2024 or early 2025.

Winning teams will also receive a framed certificate and our infamous PrescQIPP trophy to adorn the office.

Finally, you will be in with a chance to win one of our overall GOLD or SILVER awards which are democratically voted upon by our annual event audience after all the award presentations have been made.

How can I make my winning project presentation impactful?

We want to help you show off your project and so we will offer you the chance to attend a Coaching on presentation style course. This will be run by our very own Annual Event Chair, Jamie Hayes on Monday 16th September 2024 9.30am-1pm.

What are the PrescQIPP annual award webinars?

We offer the winners of our awards the chance to do a webinar on their project which are always very popular, and a great opportunity to get feedback, questions and ideas from the rest of the community. In the submission form you'll be asked whether you'd like to do a webinar - because even if you don't win - it's a great opportunity to share.

Some examples of award winning webinars are available on the PrescQIPP website under innovation webinars.
