A collaborative approach to managing the use of biologic medicines (2019)

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Project Summary

This project involved the development of a jointly funded specialist pharmacist for biologic medicines, between the CCG and the local hospital. The project was aimed at securing optimal outcomes for patients, as well as supporting the cost effective commissioning and use of complex specialist medicines.

The development of the role has allowed for:

  1. An oversight in the initiation and monitoring of biologic therapies across 3 clinical specialties and multiple care pathways.
  2. A specialist pharmacist-led clinic for review of rheumatology patients (treatment review and tapering of doses) and gastroenterology patients (initiation and monitoring of treatment).
  3. Optimisation of VAT efficient routes of supply (i.e. Homecare) for biologic therapy to support cost effective practice.
  4. Rapid uptake of biosimilar medicines across the specialties to produce savings as well as support for patients changing therapy.
  5. Links with commissioners in terms of guideline production/ review for biologic therapy and roll-out of “prior approval” processes via the BlueTeq system.

Patient care has improved through rational prescribing and additional medication support. Commissioners have achieved better assurance of prescribing practices as well as on-going cost saving initiatives. The specialist teams now have a route for complex patient management, commissioning queries and general advice when managing patients on biologic therapies.