Automating processing of monthly high cost drug data (2019)

Calderdale Royal Hospital

Project Summary

Every acute trust in England has to calculate their expenditure of high cost drugs in order to reclaim the expense from various commissioners. This monthly process is complicated, requiring various streams of patient data to be manipulated into a mandatory standardised output for NHS England (NHSE) and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

Previously at CHFT, the process was led by a pharmacist with support from other pharmacy colleagues, finance and IT. However, since developing AMoS the whole task is undertaken by the pharmacist alone.

AMoS has been programmed to highlight any data quality issues to the user during the process. A module has been written to ‘cleanse’ data from an external source with traditionally poor data quality which had previously resulted in loss of income to the trust.

The aim of our project is to transform a manual, labour intensive process into an automated software process which can be rolled out across the NHS.