As the Medicines Management Team (MMT) in the former North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NYCCG), we initiated this self-care project to reduce practice workload, change patient behaviour and promote self-care in line with published NHS England National Guidance.
In the financial year 20/21, NYCCG had 918,277 prescription items for medicines which could if appropriate for self-care, be purchased OTC from a pharmacy and other outlets. This reduced to 903,310 for the financial year 21/22.
The project involved working with stakeholders, NYCCG communications and engagement team, pharmacy teams within primary and secondary care and other healthcare professionals including GP practice staff, community pharmacies, ophthalmologists, dentists, podiatrists, district nursing teams, patient and education setting representatives.
The MMT produced a plan in line with the continuous behaviour change model to make the project, and its associated new behaviours sustainable. We asked Practices to nominate a representative from their reception, care navigator or pharmacy team to join a self-care champions forum. We held meetings quarterly using Microsoft Teams and shared recordings afterwards, enabling all members to engage and participate.
Staff were keen to get involved and generated lots of ideas. We encouraged feedback and suggestions we could share within the forum and as a result staff felt valued. It was a great place to celebrate success and highlight practice achievements in promoting self-care. With help from the communications and engagement team we created and adapted a selection of resources including a self-care prescription, posters, social media campaign and a self-care 'tip of the week' and shared these with healthcare professionals and patients.
Our social care pharmacist engaged with the Local Authority and education settings to promote self-care and the use of OTC products where appropriate to reduce prescription requests. Prescribing data is recorded monthly and reviewed and items for self care have continued to reduced.