Gold Award Winner - ACB Triage and Review for Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes and Beyond… (2021)

East Lancashire CCG and Hospital Trust

Project Summary

East Lancashire Specialist Medicines Optimisation in Care Home Team (SMOCH) led an initiative to triage all frail elderly patients for Anticholinergic Burden (ACB) and review older people with an ACB score of 3+.

Work started in the Care Homes and was rolled out to hospital wards and PCN Structured Medication Reviews (SMRs). SMOCH team triage care home residents and target SMRs (virtual during COVID) for residents who have high ACB.

Promoting PRESQIPP ACB e-learning, SMOCH team worked with ELHT hospital clinicians to review admission/discharge paperwork to include ACB calculations, providing case reviews and training. To harness PCN Service Specification, webinars were delivered to PCN Pharmacists + Technicians, who are provided with PCN ACB benchmarking reports. Aim to improve patients’ life quality and reduce fall risk by providing patient centred holistic medication reviews involving patients, carers and family.