Highly commended - Prescribing and Interface Learning Sessions Podcast (2023)

NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICB

Project Summary

Our podcast: PILS-Prescribing and Interface Learning Sessions, was created with the intention to share the Area Prescribing Committees' work and the interface updates in a different format to the traditional emails and bulletins. PILS is easy to listen on the go or during a screen break, it’s short and keeps the focus on the most relevant information for local prescribers.

We tried two formats thus far, a summary with of the latest guidelines and formulary changes and a questions & answers (Q&A) type. The Q&A one proved to be more popular, so we’ve explored a few more themes, covering the Type 2 Diabetes Guidance initially and then following on with episodes on Resources for Pain Management and the Medicines Safety Group work on Amiodarone.

Five months into this project, we realised a shift happened in people’s perception of what this podcast is. Initially we had to convince people to come to a Q&A session and now, we receive emails asking to cover a certain topic. We believe this is a good sign.

Since its release we received positive feedback from our stakeholders and even from across of the UK, with more teams being interested in this approach and reaching to us for guidance. The Medicines Safety Officers have also taken this approach and are producing a series on High-Risk Medication.