Data and analysis

We re-baseline all of our indicators annually to ensure that current prescribing levels are incorporated into the achievement quartiles. We also refresh the tag listings annually to ensure relevant changes are included in our tag listings. If you have based incentive schemes and monitoring on targets from previous financial years you will need to revisit this locally.

Use our 'Find it fast' tool.

If you still cannot locate the report, please complete the form below.


Watch the short training video below or refer to our written guide which will take you through the process step by step. 

If a bulletin has a visual data pack, it will be located with any other accompanying resources such as searches, patient information and slidesets on the individual bulletin page. You can filter all our bulletins here.

Our resource guide also details which bulletins have data packs.

We utilise the NHSBSA Open Data Portal for the English prescribing data download which is released after ePACT2 data. We cannot process the latest months data until we are in receipt of both datasets. Wales data is released and published approximately 10 days afterwards.

Please see the reporting timescales for due dates and publication time frames.

Full details of our tag listings can be found in the Scorecards support tools section and will tell you what is included in a specific data indicator.

If you think there might be an error in the tag listing or want some further clarification about why a product is included, please contact us.


We allocated a proportion which we felt would be appropriate levels for self care for each of the categories listed, for some categories such as pain, the proportion allocated was lower as we felt that there would be a significant proportion of prescribing that could fall under the exceptions in the NHS England guidance such as long term conditions.

For other areas such as infant colic, we allocated 100% of the prescribing to suitable for self care, as these remedies have limited evidence base and shouldn’t really be prescribed. For those areas that have previously done a lot of work on self care and feel that our proportions are too high, a 50% option is available to use.

We are currently unable to allow organisations to select their own proportions, but you can apply your proportions to the data by selecting the 100% of prescribing and then downloading the data to apply proportions to.

Scorecard Methodology

Target: baseline = Q4 (Jan-Mar) previous financial year

10% (R) less than England & Wales median, (A) between England & Wales median and top 10%, (G) England & Wales top 10%

25% (R) less than bottom quartile, (A) between England & Wales top and bottom quartile, (G) England & Wales top quartile

Achievement: by using the tag listings provided, these calculations calculate the achievement against target

Missed Opportunity: the opportunity that has been lost during the selected period by not achieving either the target or 100% of the indicator. It is the difference in cost per item between ‘good’ items and ‘bad’ items multiplied by the difference in no. of items needed to reach either target or 100%. Progress towards target will see a monthly reduction in lost opportunity.

Cost Avoidance: the opportunity that has been lost during the selected period by not achieving either the target or 100% of the indicator extrapolated up to 12 months to get full year effect of possible savings still to be made. This can help CCGs target specific areas in order of highest cost saving potential.

Savings: are calculated by taking all denominators included in the indicator and calculating the difference between total spend last year same period over total spend this year. Movement towards target would indicate less spend although this does not take account of price changes.

The NHSBSA have combined their data sources into a One Drug Database (ODD), which was released in March (for the January 2020 prescribing data). 

In this new database some codes for individual products have changed. One code may have been split into several different products and vice versa. Prescribing data in the old format will no longer be available after this date.

Our practice visit and progress reports can be used to identify which areas to focus on with your practice and also provides you with a template report which you can customise to present as a pdf or PowerPoint presentation to go through with the practice.

There is a template drug budget setting excel spreadsheet which helps you populate data for drug budget setting at commissioner or practice level. There are also data tools to help you adjust for national drug developments and generic drug introductions over the coming financial year. They can be found in our local budget setting tools.

You can quickly identify your top QIPP opportunities by using the practice planning report. You can set the level to explore at commissioner level and also drill down to practice level. 

Our data scorecards allow you to easily compare your organisation to others and nationally on a wide variety of prescribing measures.

Please email us providing as much detail as possible.