In this section you will find printable training guides to support our wide range of data visualisations helping you get to grips with using our dashboards. These guides support our training videos and offer a whole host of answers to commonly asked questions.
Introducing data & analysis.pdf
Using PrescQIPP data tools - Cost pressures and planning savings.pdf
Downloading data and customising views.pdf
Bulletin data packs and how to access them.pdf
Clinical snapshots - Introducing our clinical snapshots.pdf
Clinical snapshots - Controlled Drugs thresholds snapshot specific.pdf
Financial reports - Financial inputs reporting.pdf
Financial reports - Financial summary & deep dive growth reports.pdf
Financial reports - Local budget setting tools.pdf
Practice level data reports - Practice progress report.pdf
Practice level data reports - Practice visit report.pdf
Practice level data reports - Practice planning report.pdf
Scorecards - Deep dive into indicators.pdf
Scorecards - Support tools.pdf
Strategic activity reports - Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS).pdf
Strategic activity reports - Optimising antimicrobial use.pdf
Strategic activity reports - Ghost generics and premium priced generics.pdf
Strategic activity reports - High cost drugs.pdf
Strategic activity reports - Items less suitable for prescribing.pdf
Strategic activity reports - Low priority prescribing.pdf
Strategic activity reports - Safer use of controlled drugs.pdf