These reports focus on financial activities relating to all or key parts of the monitoring that medicines teams do.
An area we have been supporting and monitoring for number of years, the financial reports offer loads of information in multiple formats.
All the different elements that affect prescribing costs (e.g. Category-M, concessions and NCSO). It brings together the entire data set at both Commissioner & Practice level.
To support the annual activity of local budget setting we have created a tool that pulls together a range of datasets that could be used to help you plan for the year ahead.
We are grateful to be able to share two pieces of work to support monitoring of the changing drug tariff. The 'Tariff watch reporting module' and the 'Pan Mersey APC tariff watch'.
Tool to help demonstrate the return on investment against a PrescQIPP subscription. The visualisation includes an infographic summary and other pages focused on potential savings across various areas.
These charts allow comparison of medicine costs across therapeutic groups. They can be used to support formulary decisions across areas and also to support cost-effective product selection for individual patients when a number of choices would be appropriate for the individual.