DROP Devices

Here you'll find information on the Devices to Review for Optimised Prescribing.

DROP-List Medical Devices

The PrescQIPP DROP-List (Drugs to Review for Optimised Prescribing) incorporates medicines prescribed across the NHS that are considered low priority and poor value for money.

Lymphoedema Garments

This bulletin provides the rationale for ensuring lymphoedema garments are used as part of a local pathway that incorporates an ordering process which ensures the correct items are selected to avoid waste and delays in treatment.

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Rectal irrigation system

This bulletin reviews the use of rectal irrigation to ensure proper pathways are in place before prescribing and wastage is reduced through appropriate prescribing.

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If stoma correctly fitted, no odour should be apparent except when the bag is emptied or changed therefore deodorants not routinely needed. Household air-fresheners are sufficient in most cases and are widely available to buy. If odour is present at times other than changing or emptying, refer the individual for review.

Dry mouth products

Dry mouth products such as artificial saliva or salivary stimulants should only be prescribed if simple measures alone have been inadequate.

Silk and antimicrobial garments

These resources review the place in therapy for silk and antimicrobial garments to ensure to ensure prescribing is appropriate and excessive quantities of garments are not prescribed.

Ostomy underwear

Inhalation solutions

This category refers to hypertonic sodium chloride solutions for nebulisation. It does not include sodium chloride 0.9% w/v used for dilution of solutions for nebulisation.

Plantar pressure offloading devices

Ensure the use of plantar pressure offloading devices is part of a robust and clear local pathway for the prevention and management of diabetic foot problems.

Nasal products

For managing the nasal symptoms of self-limiting conditions, saline nasal sprays can be purchased OTC for self care by those that wish to try them.

Ear wax softening medical devices

Self care recommended first line.

Oscillating positive expiratory pressure device

Recommended for consideration when selecting an appropriate airway clearance technique in those with CF and non-CF bronchiectasis.

Belladonna adhesive plaster

Not recommended; there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of belladonna adhesive plasters.

Potassium hydroxide solution

Potassium hydroxide solution for treating molluscum contagiosum is not recommended for prescribing in primary care; there is currently insufficient evidence of efficacy and a risk of side-effects.

Insert for female stress incont

Not recommended; there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend the use of devices for female stress incontinence. NICE do not recommend their routine use.

Auto inflation device

Autoinflation may be considered during or after an active observation period following diagnosis of otitis media with effusion (OME, or glue ear), in children who are likely to cooperate with the procedure.

Pelvic toning devices

Not recommended; there is no evidence of additional benefit compared to undertaking pelvic floor exercises alone.

Eye compress

Not recommended; there is no evidence of additional benefit compared to using a clean flannel and warm water as an eye compress.

Needle-free insulin delivery system

Not routinely recommended unless there is a confirmed diagnosis of needle phobia which would result in the patient not injecting insulin.

Bacterial decolonisation products

Not recommended for routine use.

Acne treatment

Self care recommended for topical acne treatments available over the counter.

Inspiratory muscle training devices

Not recommended for routine use, but inspiratory muscle training may be considered in those with COPD, non- CF bronchiectasis and upper spinal cord injuries.

Electrical stimulating wound device

Currently insufficient evidence to recommend use.
