Medicines safety

Here are all our resources related to medicines safety. If you have something that you would like to share with the community, please get in touch.

B260: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - Sick day guidance

This bulletin provides information on offering individualised sick day guidance to patients when they are well, so that they are able to proactively manage medication known to impair renal function during illness or fever and reduce the risk of AKI.

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B248: Amiodarone and Dronedarone

This resource supports the implementation of the NHS England items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care guidance.

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B253. Anticholinergic burden

This bulletin discusses the review of treatment with anticholinergic drugs and the different scales available to support review. Support materials are available to identify the risk in patients and support appropriate action to reduce anticholinergic burden.

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348: Antiepileptic drugs

This bulletin includes new valproate safety information and support to appropriately switch antiepileptic drugs to safer or less costly alternatives.

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B194: Co-proxamol

This bulletin discusses the use of co-proxamol and supports reviewing and discontinuing prescribing in patients still taking this unlicensed medicine.

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B256: Dependence forming medications

The dependence forming medicines (DFMs) resources provide an overview of DFMs and signpost to PrescQIPP resources which support medicines optimisation projects in this area.

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B228: Emollients, paraffin content and fire risk

This bulletin aims to highlight the fire risk associated with emollient products and measures which need to be taken to reduce this risk.

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B285: Fentanyl

This updated resource supports the review of the prescribing of immediate-release fentanyl in line with national guidance. Deprescribing and switching options are considered.

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B258: Hypnotics

This bulletin offers advice on managing new patients with insomnia, recommends cost-effective prescribing choices, and encourages you to review chronic hypnotic users with a view to helping them withdraw from treatment.

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B281: Implementing NICE guidance in CKD and AKI

Part 1 of this two part bulletin covers the assessment and management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in line with NICE NG203 and drugs which are likely to cause kidney damage.

Part 2 covers the current advice prevention, detection and management of acute kidney injury (AKI) in line with NICE NG148.

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B252: Medicines without harm

These resources support the implementation of local campaigns for the World Health Organisation (WHO) global patient safety challenge, medication without harm.

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B318: Melatonin

This bulletin focuses on melatonin and provides information on ensuring that prescribing is appropriate, reviewing ongoing prescribing and deprescribing melatonin.

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B250: Modafinil (Archived)

This bulletin and supporting materials review the place in therapy for modafinil in light of the MHRA restrictions on prescribing indications due to safety concerns.

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B265: NSAIDs

These resources look at the safety implications of long term treatment with NSAIDs and support treatment initiation and review.

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B267: PPIs - Long term safety and gastroprotection

This bulletin and implementation resources focus on reducing PPI prescribing for safety reasons by reviewing the continued need and stepping down or deprescribing where appropriate in line with current guidance.

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B288: Medicines safety

This bulletin offers guidance and background information on medicines safety. This includes the role of the Medicines Safety Officer (MSO) and the Medical Devices Safety Officer (MDSO).

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The scorecards on our data hub are available at both organisation (commissioner) and practice level

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